I met with two phenomenal women to work on a project together.
I don't always like working in collaboration with other people. In fact, most of my life I hated "group projects." These two women, however, are those rare sorts with whom I am compatible in strength of personality and in interests.
Elaine is the "critique partner" whom I hooked up with through Georgia Romance Writers. Her women's fiction novel is coming along nicely. She's just missing two chapters at this point, before she can declare it finished...well, finished except for a re-write and polish. At the moment, due to the fact that I haven't been actually working on my novel--I've been concentrating on school related writing--I'm acting as her sounding board and cheerleader. She's my cheerleader too.
Jessica is my partner for a school project. When we got hooked up due to the fact that we both volunteered to redesign a particular website, I didn't know her very well. However, we've hit it off. We believe it's because we're both pretty out-going and opinionated.
Jessica owns her own copy of Dreamweaver, I don't, so we've gotten together outside of class to huddle over her computer. Elaine is a web writer/designer and she met up with us to help us with some tricky bits--like moving a paragraph up the page. We tried for an hour last Thursday, and just couldn't fix it. Of course, once Elaine showed us what we were doing wrong, duh! It turned out to be a simple fix, but we are both new using Dreamweaver and just hadn't been able to figure it out.
So here's a shout-out to both these phenomenal women. Thanks to you both for being great creative partners.

Oh, we were discussing Barbara Winter's book, Making a Living Without a Job. It's one of my favorite books. I'll discuss more about it later.
Did you, by chance, attend GHP/Theater 1979? Remember me, Debbie Shirley? I am tracking down as many of that group as I can find for a writing project.
email debrashirley@att.net
Hope to hear from you.
Yep, that's me! Glad you found me.
Wow! I've never been blogged about before! Thanks for the kind words! - Elaine
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