Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Next step

So, now that my semester is over, what do I do?

Oh, I know that I'll be on a plane to Tunisia on Saturday, where I am going to take a travel writing class, a technical writing class, and Arabic.

I'm really looking forward to the travel writing class. I think I will tolerate the technical writing class, and the Arabic class is just down right necessary, since I speak neither Arabic nor French, and I am going to be spending six weeks there. The plan to learn a little Arabic and a little harmonica before I left for Tunisia never really panned out, with so many other things on my plate this semester. Will I look stupid carrying a harmonica I can't play all the way to Tunisia? It's small. I think I'll just tuck it away in a corner of my suitcase....

So, to keep in the writing habit, I am a) going to blog daily and b) return to the young adult romance novel that I'm working on...that I have been working on for a long time now.

I've gotten some good feedback on what I've written so far, but I got stuck. Not just because I got so intensely wrapped up in classwork and grading, but I got stuck because I haven't done enough scene planning. So I'm going to take that page out of Elizabeth George's book and work harder on planning the scenes that need to be written. They are in my brain, but I haven't pinned them down yet.

Before I leave you tonight, I want to leave you with words from Czikszentmihalyi's Finding Flow:

"The world is absolutely full of interesting things to do. Only lack of imagination, or lack of energy, stand in the way."

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