Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Finding Flow

Flow Activity
I just picked up a new copy of "Finding Flow" by Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi. (My original copy is mysteriously missing from my library...perhaps borrowed by that friend of a friend who borrowed my other MC book, which I had to DEMAND back....) In FF, MC mentions that there is only so much "attention" to go around. There are only so many things that you can focus on at once. Therefore, if you are anxious or under stress, your attention is focused on the things creating that anxiety/stress and there is no more room to focus on your writing (or other "flow activity").

I buy this completely, yet I haven't yet figured out a way to re-focus. I think I'm coming to the conclusion that I need to re-prioritize. I am enrolled in grad school right now, and once again falling into the trap of worrying about grades, rather than focusing on the fun of learning new skills.

But how does one go about keeping priorities straight? I can't tattoo what's most important on my forehead. Even if I did, I'd only see it when looking in a mirror. Or maybe people would stop me on the street and ask me "what the hell?" Which probably would only annoy me, not keep my priorities straight.

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