Monday, December 18, 2006

Tiger Woods

Last night on...I have no idea what channel, since I was doing my regular channel surfing thing--let's say it was ESPN--someone (Mark Richt?) was asked "if they could be a famous athlete, who would they be?" This person shocked me by replying that he'd like to be "the fastest person in the world--to win the 100 yard dash in the Olympics." Frankly, he shocked me. I have no idea why anyone would pick being anybody but Tiger Woods.

Yes, if I could be anyone else for the day, especially if the caveat was that it had to be an athlete, it would be Tiger Woods.

And I don't even play golf.

And I only sort of want to learn to play golf. I grew up thinking that golf was boring, but I went to a tournament one time and now I've changed my mind. Yes, I've actually seen Tiger Woods play golf in least one hole. You know how hard it is to follow him? I'm too short to see over most of the crowd, so I ended up going to a hole several holes ahead and waiting for him. Good strategy--beautiful sun-shiny day, very relaxing--until the Tiger crowd came roaring up.

Anyway, back to being Tiger Woods--

I wish I had his phenomenal ability to focus.

I wish I had his ability to never give up, to come from behind.

I wish I had his ability to find, enter, and stay "in the zone."

How long does it take to develop these talents? Actually, how long does it take to get them back? I used to be able to focus and "be in the zone" but I have neglected that ability and it is a muscle that seems to flabby. Or has my brain chemistry altered and now I have "adult-onset ADD" ? I just don't know. But I'm working on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Willena,

You ask good questions, which I am sure are in the minds of others as well. For that reason I am answering them in a blog post for all to read. Look for them in the next day or so....
