Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Still Trying to Get Back to Work!

So, since my last post, I spent five more days in bed sick and am STILL wrestling with gunk in my sinuses and ears.

As I splept last night, I must not have turned over. I woke in the same position as I deliberately situated myself to fall asleep--tilted to my left side. I've been trying to sleep this way because sleeping on my right side (or turning over to that side at night, or even sitting up straight) will cause the sinus congestion to flow to my right, damaged, ear and put pressure on it.

The good news is that when I woke this morning, still tilted to the left, I could hear out of my right ear!! But now that I'm sitting up, I can feel the mucus flowing and clogging up the right ear...it's like the pressure you get as a plane gains altitude, only it won't clear when I swallow or yawn. If you think I'm going to try anything more forceful than that, you are sadly mistaken...I now know what a ruptured eardrum feels like (it was actually more painful before it ruptured--but I couldn't hear afterward!!!).

I'm now in catch-up mode as an instructor at the community college, so I'm not managing to write much. I feel guilty even squeezing in this blog post. But I need to get my fingers on a keyboard with paragraphs, instead of test questions. It feels good to be doing so.

I have a newly discovered blog on my "to be followed" list: Genreality. Check out the December 7, 2009 post by Carrie Vaughn regarding "filtering words." It's an excellent suggestion for cutting too-long manuscripts.

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