Monday, October 02, 2006

More Vocal Variety

My writing partner and I will be meeting tomorrow to work on "voice." Specifically, we will be reading our work out loud to each other. Do other writing/critique partners do that? Or do they just forward their work to each other?

I've been thinking lately about work habits and creative links between/among the arts. Please write in and share with me your work habits and thoughts on creativity.

1 comment:

Trish Milburn said...

Hi, Willena. I think my main work habit could be the Nike motto -- Just Do It. Sure, there are times when other things have to come first and should, but there are a million ways we all can and do spend our time when we could be writing. I like using a system of self-rewards for doing my daily writing. If I write X pages or for X hours, I get to watch the latest Netflix DVD that's arrived. :)