Monday, February 06, 2006

Other books on Creativity that I can recommend

I've been commenting mostly on CM's book Creativity. That's not the only book on creativity that I find interesting, although it is the one that I find most useful for a grand overview of creativity as a subject. Some other books that I like:

The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron
Fearless Creating, Eric Maisel
A Whack on the Side of the Head, Roger von Oech

And even though it's not specifically on creativity, I recommend CM's book Finding Flow which is a great book that deals with enhancing daily activities. Flow is a state that is often associated with atheletes--in fact, Tiger Woods is often referred to as a "flow practitioner." (There was a Time or Newsweek magazine article on him and flow at one time...sometime in the last ten years.) Flow is also that state in which writers and artists are working if we are doing our best work. "It's just flowing," "the words were just poring out of me," "I was cooking on all cylinders," "the characters led me on"--we use the language of flow, we just don't always think about what that means. Nor do we realize that we can learn or enhance flow. In fact, writers (this one in particular) often sit around and whine about writer's block. Read Fearless Creating and Finding Flow. They are both very helpful resources to deal with writer's block. (It really helps if you practice what they preach...) In particular, Finding Flow lays out a path to be able to get to your best writing state on a regular basis.

I'll be discussing these resources in more depth later.

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