The readers of his blog post 12 pictures taken on the 12th of each month. Since I finally bought a digital camera, I am finally able to participate, although I couldn't post my photos from Tunisia. I had such trouble with the French-Arabic keyboard that I was using, plus, I wasn't able to change the computer's language from French to English. I couldn't wrestle with Blogger in French. I admitted defeat.
I took the pictures on the 12th of June, even though I'm not posting until June 22! All photos were taken in Sfax, Tunisia. Just in case you don't know, Tunisia is squeezed in between Algeria and Libya in North Africa. It's an Arabic country on the Mediterranean coast. I went swimming in the Mediterranean!
This is the link to my Snapfish album. You may have to create a Snapfish account to view my album, but it is free, and has turned out to be useful for me.
Here is a preview of my day: This is my hand with still-drying harcouse painted on it. Tunisian women get henna and/or harcouse for special occasions and my host family wanted me to do it before I left. 10 days later, the faint outlines are still on my hands.